This is a sample page for non-members.

This page will not be updated, and only contains a small part of the information available to members. This is just part of the first page of a 3-page article available to members.



So, you have great music and want to get a record deal? Wonder how artists got through to big labels and ended up getting signed?

The steps below require hard work and a lot of dedication

The Basic steps and Fundamentals

There are some things you just have to get right, exactly right, before you do anything. These are the essentials before you even look at getting in touch with a Record Label.

Where we cover these in their own articles, do follow the link.

To Be a Band

What is your band?

Before you approach a record label you should have all the legal preparations for the band in place. First you must have made sure your name is one you can legally use. Then make sure that the band has contracts in place between members, and that the band is established as a company.

Without these in place labels will not consider your band, and you might have lost your one chance. They cannot sign a band that uses the same name as another band, and cannot sign a band if there is no formal band to sign!

The Music

This is where it all begins and is the essential part of the puzzle. You have to make sure that your music sounds amazing and important in this is that it must be well mixed and mastered. You only get one chance at this so don’t mess it up. A label that rejects you will not listen to that album again.

Get feedback and constructive criticism

Whenever you reach that point on a track where you think that it’s ready to send it to a record label, you need to stop and get some feedback.

Send it over to people whose opinion you value, but not your friends or relatives. People close to you will likely be ones that they say love it, they are not unbiased judges. You don’t need that. You need constructive criticism, the hard truth.

Not everything that others don’t like about your music has to be corrected. Some things just appeal more to some than others, but do listen and consider making changes. If you get several people pointing out the same things, then it is probably something you should change.

Perfect the sound

Now that you have ironed out most of the track’s issues, you need to make sure it sounds as good as it possibly can – that is the mixing and mastering.

These final touches can make a world of difference…. even if you’re not great at it, a decently mixed and mastered track is going to sound miles and miles better than one that’s not

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The remainder of this article is available to members here.